Anthony Winders Integrated Communication Scholarship (ANNUAL)

The Anthony Winders Integrated Communication Scholarship is available through the University of Central Missouri Alumni Foundation for Public Relations degree-seeking students who have a minimum GPA of 3.38, have taken 12 credits of public relations coursework, and show leadership and participation in academic and campus wide organizations. Each applicant is asked to submit a 60-120 second video demonstrating how he or she meets the scholarship criteria. The video should be loaded to the student’s own YouTube (or similar channel) and the link provided in the application. In addition, the video needs to be tweeted to @TonyWinders. Submission of the video for scholarship consideration will stand as record of permission granted to the PR program post it to social media channels (if the student receives the scholarship). This scholarship is made possible by the generous donation of alumnus, Tony Winders 90’ of Los Angeles.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Anthony Winders Integrated Communication Scholarship
    • Please create a video of 1-2 minutes in length demonstrating how you meet the criteria for the scholarship . Please include the YouTube link (and rights for program use auto-granted)